The following chart contains the lower (0-127) ASCII decimal (dec), octal (oct), hexadecimal (hex) and character (ch) codes.

 dec oct hex char
 dec oct hex char
 dec oct hex char
 dec oct hex char
0 0 00 NUL (null) 32 4020 SPC 6410040 @ 9614060 `
1 1 01 SOH (start of header) 33 4121 ! 6510141 A 9714161 a
2 2 02 STX (start of text) 34 4222 " 6610242 B 9814262 b
3 3 03 ETX (end of text) 35 4323 # 6710343 C 9914363 c
4 4 04 EOT (end of transmission) 36 4424 $ 6810444 D 10014464 d
5 5 05 ENQ (enquiry) 37 4525 % 6910545 E 10114565 e
6 6 06 ACK (acknowledge) 38 4626 & 7010646 F 10214666 f
7 7 07 BEL (bell) 39 4727 ' 7110747 G 10314767 g
8 1008 BS (backspace) 40 5028 ( 7211048 H 10415068 h
9 1109 HT (horizontal tab) 41 5129 ) 7311149 I 10515169 i
10 120a LF (line feed - new line) 42 522a * 741124a J 1061526a j
11 130b VT (vertical tab) 43 532b + 751134b K 1071536b k
12 140c FF (form feed - new page) 44 542c , 761144c L 1081546c l
13 150d CR (carriage return) 45 552d - 771154d M 1091556d m
14 160e SO (shift out) 46 562e . 781164e N 1101566e n
15 170f SI (shift in) 47 572f / 791174f O 1111576f o
16 2010 DLE (data link escape) 48 6030 0 8012050 P 11216070 p
17 2111 DC1 (device control 1) 49 6131 1 8112151 Q 11316171 q
18 2212 DC2 (device control 2) 50 6232 2 8212252 R 11416272 r
19 2313 DC3 (device control 3) 51 6333 3 8312353 S 11516373 s
20 2414 DC4 (device control 4) 52 6434 4 8412454 T 11616474 t
21 2515 NAK (negative acknowledge) 53 6535 5 8512555 U 11716575 u
22 2616 SYN (synchronous idle) 54 6636 6 8612656 V 11816676 v
23 2717 ETB (end of transmission block) 55 6737 7 8712757 W 11916777 w
24 3018 CAN (cancel) 56 7038 8 8813058 X 12017078 x
25 3119 EM (end of medium) 57 7139 9 8913159 Y 12117179 y
26 321a SUB (substitute) 58 723a : 901325a Z 1221727a z
27 331b ESC (escape) 59 733b ; 911335b [ 1231737b {
28 341c FS (file separator) 60 743c < 921345c \ 1241747c |
29 351d GS (group separator) 61 753d = 931355d ] 1251757d }
30 361e RS (record separator) 62 763e > 941365e ^ 1261767e ~
31 371f US (unit separator) 63 773f ? 951375f _ 1271777f DEL

The following chart contains the UPPER (128-255) ASCII decimal (dec), octal (oct), hexadecimal (hex) and character (ch) codes.

 dec  oct  hex  char
 dec  oct  hex  char
 dec  oct  hex  char
 dec  oct  hex  char
12820080 160240a0  192300c0 À224340e0 à
12920181 161241a1 ¡193301c1 Á225341e1 á
13020282 162242a2 ¢194302c2 Â226342e2 â
13120383 ƒ163243a3 £195303c3 Ã227343e3 ã
13220484 164244a4 ¤196304c4 Ä228344e4 ä
13320585 165245a5 ¥197305c5 Å229345e5 å
13420686 166246a6 ¦198306c6 Æ230346e6 æ
13520787 167247a7 §199307c7 Ç231347e7 ç
13621088 ˆ168250a8 ¨200310c8 È232350e8 è
13721189 169251a9 ©201311c9 É233351e9 é
1382128a Š170252aa ª202312ca Ê234352ea ê
1392138b 171253ab «203313cb Ë235353eb ë
1402148c Œ172254ac ¬204314cc Ì236354ec ì
1412158d 173255ad ­205315cd Í237355ed í
1422168e Ž174256ae ®206316ce Î238356ee î
1432178f 175257af ¯207317cf Ï239357ef ï
14422090 176260b0 °208320d0 Ð240360f0 ð
14522191 177261b1 ±209321d1 Ñ241361f1 ñ
14622292 178262b2 ²210322d2 Ò242362f2 ò
14722393 179263b3 ³211323d3 Ó243363f3 ó
14822494 180264b4 ´212324d4 Ô244364f4 ô
14922595 181265b5 µ213325d5 Õ245365f5 õ
15022696 182266b6 214326d6 Ö246366f6 ö
15122797 183267b7 ·215327d7 ×247367f7 ÷
15223098 ˜184270b8 ¸216330d8 Ø248370f8 ø
15323199 185271b9 ¹217331d9 Ù249371f9 ù
1542329a š186272ba º218332da Ú250372fa ú
1552339b 187273bb »219333db Û251373fb û
1562349c œ188274bc ¼220334dc Ü252374fc ü
1572359d 189275bd ½221335dd Ý253375fd ý
1582369e ž190276be ¾222336de Þ254376fe þ
1592379f Ÿ191277bf ¿223337df ß255377ff ÿ


The C1 control range refers to characters mapped into byte encodings 0x80 to 0x9f (128 to 159) in Latin-1, or to Unicode numeric values U+0080 to U+009F.
Unicode considers these to be "control characters," and hence they are explicitly disallowed by the HTML5 parsing algorithm.